News & Events
Transportation Program for Salem County Veterans!
Transportation Services are available to Salem County Veterans and their caregivers.
This program offers Curb-to-Curb transportation every Wednesday and Thursday to the Wilmington VA Medical Center in Delaware. Veterans must be approved by the Salem County Department of Veterans Affairs office before able to schedule trips. Veterans are required to provide a copy of their DD214, current address and telephone number to the Salem County Department of Veterans Affairs office to determine eligibility. Once registered, they will be able to schedule their transportation arrangements directly with the provider, providing at least 1 day notice (by noon the day prior).
Salem County Department of Veterans Affairs
90 Market Street, Salem, NJ 08079
Telephone: 856-339-8603
Provide transportation to wheelchair bound veterans?: Yes
Caregiver/ Escort allowed: Yes
*Transportation is funded through a grant from the New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.
2023 Salem County Military Service Medal Ceremony
Award Ceremony Honoring Our Salem County Veterans Our Hometown Heroes for their Honorable Military Service
Are you a Veteran with Honorable Discharge? We invite you to be recognized!
Registration and Event Details
The Public is Encouraged to Attend and Help Salute Our Hometown Heroes!
WHERE: Salem Community College
Sol & Jean Davidow Performing Arts Theater
460 Hollywood Avenue
Carney’s Point, NJ 08069
WHEN: Thursday, November 2, 2023
6:00 PM (Sharp) – 7:15 PM
Doors open at 5:30 PM
Who is Eligible to Receive a Medal:
Salem County Honorably Discharged Veterans
(Families may recognize their loved ones Posthumously)
How to Register:
1. Complete an application:
From Website:
(Click on Service Medal Applications tab at the top)
By Email:
By Mail: 90 Market Street, Salem, NJ 08079
2. Required to submit a DD-214 with the application.
Don’t have it, contact us to discuss how to obtain a
For additional questions, contact:
Salem County Department of Veterans Affairs
By Phone: 856-339-8603
By Email:
Medals are given to honor Salem County Veterans for their honorable military service.
Supported by the Salem County Board of Chosen Commissioners.
Flagpole Dedication
Join the Salem County Department of Veterans Affairs as we dedicate two new flagpole installations allowing us to fly our newest flags the U.S. Space Force and Prisoner of War.
Where: Salem County Veterans Cemetery – 719 Route 45, Pilesgrove, NJ 08098
When: Friday, November 11, 2022
Time: 1:00 P.M.
The Flagpoles are being dedicated in the name of Atlantic City Electric and PSEG.
A special thank you to the Salem County Sheriff’s Office for installation.
Happy 100th Sandy Wentzell
Charles “Sandy” Wentzell is one of our Salem County Hero’s and he turns 100 years young this month!
Elsinboro VFW Post 253 shared Charles “Sandy” Wentzell turns 100 years young this month!
The PACT Act was signed into law and is a profoundly important piece of legislation for veterans, potentially will help veterans. They added more than 20 burn pit and other toxic exposure presumptive conditions based on the PACT Act. It covers 16 countries and 24 diseases. Your eligibility depends on your service history and other factors. We encourage you to apply.
Camp Lejeune Justice Act
The Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 was signed into law. The Act allows military veterans to file civil lawsuits against the US Government for harm caused by at least thirty days of exposure, including utero exposure, to water at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejuene in North Carolina from August 1, 1953 to December 31, 1987. If in need of information contact our office.